About Us

Our About Us page provides visitors with an overview of the Trust’s history and mission helping to establish confidence and integrity with potential users from all communities.

About us and the individuals within the community, we help

Humberston Hydrotherapy Pool provides an essential service that offers therapeutic benefits and the purpose of the pool is to offer therapy both to those pupils attending Humberston Park Special Needs School and individuals within the community who have severe physical impairment and/or a medical condition.

The “Special Friends of Humberston Park School (Humberston Hydrotherapy Pool)” Charity was set up in 1997 and the Trust was formed to raise funds to build the hydrotherapy pool through the support of local businesses and the local community.

The Humberston Hydrotherapy Pool plays a vital role in delivering this service across North East Lincolnshire & Lincolnshire and is currently used by the NHS, special needs schools, care homes and individuals in the community.

The Trust manages the pool as a registered charity (No. 1016519) and is mainly funded by donations from the public and local businesses, although currently, it is charging a small fee of £10 per individual user per session and £50 for an exclusive session for external organisations that use the facility.

The pool is currently offering sessions per week and these can be booked by contacting via our online enquiry form on the contact page or via email at [email protected]

Our Mission

Providing hydrotherapy services to individuals within the community who have severe physical impairments and/or medical conditions

About our charity

The Trust was established with the aim of gathering financial resources to construct the hydrotherapy pool, with the backing of nearby businesses and the community.
Charity was set up
Registered charity number

Board of Trustees

Make a contribution today!

You can donate directly to the Trust by contacting [email protected] or by using the donation button below. Alternatively pop over to our contact page for more information.

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